Topic: The Lord, Our Shepherd [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 17 October 2019]

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John 10:1-18

If you’re like most people today, you probably don’t know much about shepherding sheep, but in biblical times this was a common occupation. Every evening, the local shepherds could be seen leading their flock into a common fold for the night. And each morning, they would call their own sheep out of the communal fold and lead them to pasture.

It was the shepherd’s job to find adequate food and water, protect the sheep from predators, rescue those who wandered off, and care for the weak or wounded. The shepherd lived among his flock and slept across the doorway of the fold to keep the sheep in and the wolves out. Although this was a lowly, dirty, and exhausting job, Christ used it to describe Himself, saying, “I am the good shepherd” (John 10:11John 10:14).

The Sovereign God of the universe humbled Himself, became a man, and lived among sinful, errant, and willful human “sheep.” He laid down His life for them so that all who believe in Him could enter into the fold and become part of His flock. And once they become His sheep, He does for them exactly what the shepherds long ago did—He feeds them, protects them from enemies, brings them back when they stray, strengthens the weak, and cares for the hurting.

Being one of Christ’s sheep is the most secure and comforting position possible. He knows each of us intimately and calls us by name, leading us every step of the way through this life. And when we are truly His, we can distinguish His voice from all the others and will follow Him in obedience. 

Bible in One Year: Mark 10-12

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