Topic: The Lost Planet [David Jeremiah Ministry 1 September 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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The Lost Planet


He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name.
Psalm 147:4

 Recommended Reading: Psalm 147

Poor Pluto! Many of us remember when he was one of nine planets circling the sun. But the International Astronomical Union decided he wasn’t a full-sized planet after all, so now there are only eight. Yet mathematicians insist there are nine planets, so astronomers are searching day and night for “Planet X,” which is believed to be ten times the mass of earth and lurking in the outer reaches of our solar system.

God knows the number and names of the stars, and He also knows the planets. He created the universe with a precision that baffles the wisest scientist and with beauty that outstrips the greatest artist. 

Don’t let the skeptics disturb you. False theories about the origin of the universe abound, and the psychological harm they inflict is appalling. They fill the minds of entire generations with despair. But the message of our Creator God is one of love. He made us. He knows us. He has a roadmap for our lives. And the more we learn of Him, the more we understand who we are and why we’re on earth.

The universe in its immensity was especially created for us humans so that we could see and appreciate the glory and the power of God.

Werner Gitt


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Ezekiel 25 – 27

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