Topic: The Names of Christ [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 December 2019] -

Topic: The Names of Christ [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 December 2019]

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Acts 4:8-12

In biblical times, a baby’s name was based on the child’s characteristics or a hope or prayer of the parent. The same is true of Jesus, whose name means “Jehovah is salvation.” He was uniquely sent from heaven by the Father to be our Savior, and all His names and titles are powerful descriptions of who He is and what He does. What’s more, the way Jesus describes Himself in John’s gospel provides additional, rich insight into His character and work:

The Bread of Life (John 6:32-40). Jesus Christ is the only one who can truly satisfy our heart and feed our soul with sustenance that leads to eternal life.

The Light of the World (John 8:12). He shines through this dark, sinful world, showing us the way to forgiveness and salvation.

The Door (John 10:7-10). Whoever enters through the door of Christ will be saved.

The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18). As our Shepherd, Jesus knows and cares for us—with a love so great that He laid down His life to save us.

The Way, the Truth, the Life (John 14:6). Jesus alone is the origin of truth and life, so He is the only avenue by which we can be saved and live eternally.

The Vine (John 15:1-10). Christ is the source of our spiritual life. Without His abiding presence, we could do nothing of eternal value.

These are just some of the titles that Jesus Christ used to identify Himself, and the Bible refers to Him in many additional ways. Each time you read God’s Word, pay attention to the descriptive names of Jesus. Each one will help you come to a better understanding of the One who loves you and came to save you.

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