Topic: The New Covenant [Joyce Meyer Devotional 9 April 2021]

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This is the agreement (testament, covenant) that I will set up and conclude with them after those days, says the Lord: I will imprint My laws upon their hearts, and I will inscribe them on their minds (on their inmost thoughts and understanding).— Hebrews 10:16 (AMPC)

A mutual consent or agreement of two or more persons under the old covenant, our sin could be covered by the sacrifices of animals, but never removed. The sense of guilt connected to sin was always present.

But the good news is that God has made a new covenant with man. It is a better covenant—far superior to the old. The old covenant was initiated with the blood of animals, but the new was initiated with the sinless blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus took the punishment that we deserve and promises that if we will believe in Him and all that He did for us, He will forever stand in our place, and our responsibility to keep the law will be met in Him. The old covenant focused on what man could do, but the new covenant focuses on what God has done for us in Jesus Christ (see Romans 5).

Prayer Starter: Lord, help me see myself the way You see me, as a new creature in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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