Topic: The one dimensional man – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 22 September 2020]

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The one dimensional man

September 22, 2020

“That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering.” – PHILIPPIANS 3:1000:0001:23

What gets you out of bed every morning? I’m not talking about an alarm, your spouse, your kids or your pets. What is “IT” that gives you a passion for life and focus of purpose? In our Scripture, Paul says he was all about “one thing” and he focused like a laser on that one thing: to know Christ. From the highest of highs – the power of His resurrection – to the lowest of lows – the fellowship of His sufferings, Paul wanted to know Jesus Christ and be all the Lord had called him to be.

What is your one thing? I encourage you to describe it in a sentence like Paul did. Whatever it is, I trust it will reveal a heart focused on Christ and on becoming more like Him every day – because Jesus is our One Thing.

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