Topic: The one-glove blessing – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 23 December 2019]

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December 23, 2019

“Now this I say, he who sows sparingly, will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6 

A man was visiting a third-world country, and the wind chill factor was below zero. In this very impoverished area, the man watched two little boys, about 9 or 10 years of age, running around. They were freezing, but they appeared to be searching for something that could be used to start a fire to warm themselves.

“I had on these big old wool gloves,” the man explained. “So I went over, took off my gloves, and handed them to one of the boys. He put them on and he was thrilled. I felt so good about being able to do something that made him so happy.”

“Then I saw him do something. He took off one of the gloves and gave it to his buddy to wear. Now both of the boys were happy – doubly happy you might say.”

Do you want to experience true joy this Christmas? Instead of just giving gifts to your family and friends, give something to someone in need. Look for ways to be a blessing to people in need – and you will be blessed – maybe even doubly blessed – in return!

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