Topic: The One Who Saves – Our Daily Bread 5 April 2020

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Bible in a Year:1 Samuel 1–3Luke 8:26–56

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!”John 12:13

SHAREToday’s Scripture:John 12:12–18

He was called “one of the bravest persons alive,” but he wasn’t what others expected. Desmond was a soldier who declined to carry a gun. As a medic, he single-handedly rescued seventy-five injured soldiers in one battle, including some who once called him a coward and ridiculed him for his faith. Running into heavy gunfire, Desmond prayed continually, “Lord, please help me get one more.” He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism.

Scripture tells us that Jesus was greatly misunderstood. On a day foretold by the prophet Zechariah (9:9), Jesus entered Jerusalem and the crowd waved branches, shouting, “Hosanna!” (John 12:13). Quoting Psalm 118:26, they cried: “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” (John 12:13). But the very next verse in that psalm refers to bringing a sacrifice “with boughs in hand” (Psalm 118:27). While the crowd in John 12 anticipated an earthly king to save them from Rome, Jesus was much more. He was King of Kings and our sacrifice—God in the flesh, willingly embracing the cross to save us from our sins—a purpose prophesied centuries earlier.

“At first his disciples did not understand all this,” John writes. Only later “did they realize that these things had been written about him” (John 12:16). Illumined by His Word, God’s eternal purposes became clear. See the link below to view Grant Stevenson’s “In Pursuit of Jesus” video to learn more about the One who saves.

By:  James Banks

Reflect & Pray

How has Jesus saved you? How can you express your grateful praise to Him today?

Risen Savior, I praise You for Your sacrifice for us at the cross. Help me to live serving and praising You, my eternal King!

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