Topic: THE OTHER SIDE OF LOVE  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 15 December 2021

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“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten…”


Some people mistake love to mean that your spouse will always agree to all that you do and say. It is important to note that it doesn’t always work that way. Love also corrects, rebukes, and chastens. In fact, anyone who claims to love you without correcting you when you are wrong, either does not know the meaning of love or does not love you, after all.

Love does not necessarily say “yes” always; there are times when love must say “no.” This does not mean that the love your spouse has for you is diminished, rather you should understand that he or she is after your welfare. For instance, as much as Jesus loved Peter, He rebuked him at a point (Matthew 16:23). That rebuke wasn’t because of anger, but to reprimand him.

As couples, if any of you is ill-behaved, rude, or have a negative aspect that would affect your relationship, you must be ready to chastise in love. My husband and I are very practical in demonstrating our love for each other. There are times when he corrects me on my dressing, relationships, and decisions. This does not mean he is trying to lord over me, but he wants the best out of me.

Also Read: Open Heaven 15 December 2021 –Topic: BEWARE OF PROFITEERING 

Truth is: It is only those who are truly after your progress and peace that would be bold enough to correct you. However, this does not mean you should nag, be rude, or abusive to your spouse. It calls for being your brother’s keeper and ensuring that you wash each other to the point that you are without spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:26-27). All corrections must be done in Christ’s kind of love. Receive wisdom, for success in your marriage in the name of Jesus Christ!

Remain Blessed!

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