Topic: THE PEACE OF GOD – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 2 April 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 KJV
Beloved, stop being anxious no matter what! When you are anxious and worried you can’t enjoy the peace of God. And the peace of God is what Jesus bequeathed to His church. What is the peace of God? In the book of Mark 4:35-39, whilst the storm was raging and the disciples were busy bailing out water, Jesus was asleep. He had something that others didn’t have. He had the peace of God. Before He started His ministry, He had heard His Father say: “…This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17 KJV).

God was saying, whatever you face, I will roll out heavenly machinery on your behalf. You cannot have this assurance and not have peace amid challenges. You know that head or tail you win.
Child of God, your Heavenly Father has accepted you in the beloved. The same quality of the relationship that Jesus has before the Father is what you also have. So, when anything comes against you, you can be peaceful. You are peaceful because of what you know. You are peaceful because of who you are in Christ.
Let the doctors do what they are going to do. You are not moved, because you know that the Master Craftsman, Jehovah Elohim, the one that made you, has all your parts with Him. He knows how to replace damaged parts. So, you have the peace of God. Even in the face of the global economic meltdown, your head will be above water; you will not drown because there is something about you. Heaven is heavily guiding and monitoring your life.
The peace of God was what Paul had in prison. Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego had the peace of God and refused to bow. This is the same peace that Jesus left with us in John 14:27.
Further Reading: Philippians 4:1-8, John 14:27Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Judges 16-18; Evening- Luke 7:1-30

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