Topic: The peace of Jesus – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 9 November 2020]

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The peace of Jesus

November 9, 2020

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” – JOHN 14:2700:0001:46

Jesus knew the cross was looming and that He would soon be leaving His disciples. In fact, His words in our passage could be labeled His Last Will and Testament. Jesus had no worldly goods or possessions to leave His disciples, but He could leave them … and us … His peace. His is not the peace of the world, simply defined as the absence of conflict or trouble.

The word Jesus used for peace is Shalom, which encompasses completeness, safety, well-being, prosperity and rest. It signifies the removal of the very evil that steals peace. It’s the peace Jesus accomplished at the cross, and it’s available to all who come to Him. So never seek or settle for the world’s peace when God’s will for His children is His complete and perfect Shalom peace, free from troubling fears

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