Topic: The Perils of Prominence [David Jeremiah Devotional August 20 2019 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: The Perils of Prominence [David Jeremiah Devotional August 20 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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AUGUST 20, 2019

I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another.
Isaiah 42:8

 Recommended Reading: Isaiah 42:1-9

Pop star Justin Bieber told an interviewer, “I wouldn’t suggest being a child star. It’s the toughest thing in the world…. Look at the statistics on how many child stars have crumbled…. It might seem awesome from the outside, but I’m struggling.”1

Few can withstand the temptations that come with power, position, fame, wealth, or prominence. In an egotistical world, our sinful natures don’t behave well in the spotlight. But when God gives us a platform for serving Him, He can supply the maturity we need. Instead of our head being inflated with pride, our hearts should be inflated with humility and servanthood.

The Old Testament patriarch Joseph is a good example. When he rose to prominence in Potiphar’s house, he didn’t lose his commitment to purity. And when he rose to fame in Egypt, he didn’t lose his commitment to maturity.

Whatever our place in life, it belongs to Him who does not share His glory with another.

Every tear of sorrow sown by the righteous springs up a pearl.
Matthew Henry

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