Topic:  The Power of Community – Daily Treasure devotionals – 23 January 2022

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The Power of Community

Sharon W. Betters


And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV).

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 23 January 2022 –Topic: LET THERE BE LIGHT VII 

Dear Friends,

When Susan’s husband announced another promotion that required another move, her thoughts quickly jumped to grief over losing her circle of friends coupled with the task of finding a local church in their new community. Her husband’s job required lots of travel, which meant she carried much of the parenting of their two little boys. In between painting the new house and settling in, her family visited several churches. Each church offered sound biblical teaching and the pastors seemed nice but neither Susan nor her husband felt drawn to a particular one. Shortly after the birth of their third child, her husband resumed traveling and Susan not only had two active little boys under the age of six but also now had a new baby, an extra special little boy diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Exhaustion covered her as she added the care of her precious son and his medical issues to an already busy life. Friends and family had come and gone. Phone conversations frustrated her because the urgent needs of her boys never failed to pop up just when she started to relax with a long-distance friend. 

Lonely and desperate for relationships, she searched the local newspaper for a church with weekly women’s Bible studies and children’s activities. A small nearby congregation offered not only these services but a free dinner, too! Susan arrived late but an older woman warmly greeted her, guided them to a table, and prepared plates for each family member. The older woman entertained the little boys, the baby slept and Susan enjoyed eating a meal prepared by someone else. Soon the little ones ran off to their activities. Frazzled and desperate for a few minutes of quiet, Susan gratefully accepted the other woman’s suggestion that they sit out the Bible study and get to know one another. Then the older woman asked if she could hold Susan’s little baby. 

Many years later, Susan tearfully described how she handed her baby over to this kind new friend, in awe that the Lord had led her to a safe place where someone wanted to cuddle her new little boy and she didn’t have to prepare a meal one night a week! That night was the beginning of a multitude of life-long friendships that helped fill Susan’s lonely heart with support, kindness, and wisdom. Susan did not just accept help from these new friends, she in turn offered the same kind of help to others and to this day watches for that lonely mother who needs an extra pair of hands and heartfelt encouragement.

Read our Today’s Treasure verse again. These practical words written to a fearful and hurting congregation and Susan’s story give us a glimpse into one of the reasons God created us for community. The fires of persecution drew near to this little church plant and some had already left out of fear or perhaps just weariness. The writer of Hebrews reminds them that coming together helps cultivate an environment of help and hope for hurting people. They needed encouragement from one another as they continued their pilgrimage toward Home. Similarly, Susan needed a cheering squad and she found it in a little local church.

Before Susan’s needs exploded with the birth of her third son, her habit was to intentionally pursue community through a local church. When life turned upside down, her auto-response was to find a faith-based community that could help keep her steady as she walked the pathway God had marked out for her. God answered her need by leading her to a small church dedicated to loving anyone who walked through their doors. Susan’s new church family warmly welcomed her and in turn, Susan poured her own love, encouragement, and skills into her new family as well.


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