Topic: The Prince That Shall Come- Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 4 April   2022

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The Prince That Shall Come

The prince who is to come . . . shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.”-Daniel 9:26a, 27a, emphasis added

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 4 April  2022  –Topic: WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER BACKSLIDE I 

The coming world leader, commonly known as the Antichrist, has thirty-three titles in the Old Testament and thirteen in the New Testament. One of these titles, “the prince who is to come,” is from Daniel 9:26-27 where it was prophesied that the people of this “prince” would destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its fulfillment occurred in history when the Roman legions under Titus Vespasian destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in A.D. 70. This reflexive reference to the Romans in Daniel 9:26 is one of several reasons why many Bible scholars view the future “prince who is to come” as a Roman or European.

The Beast from the Sea– Revelation 13:1-10: He is the Roman prince of Daniel 9 who will break his covenant with the Jews at the middle of the week. He is the Antichrist, the man of lawlessness (Pentecost, Seiss, Newell). Some think that verse 3 means that he will be raised from the dead (Seiss, Newell).

The Beast from the Earth– Revelation 13:11-18: He is the false prophet-apparently a Jewish religious leader who causes men to worship the first beast. He has the power to do miracles to deceive men (vv. 14-15). Some interpret the Antichrist as “the one instead of Christ” (Scott, Ironside, Gaebelein, Kelly); others see him as the “one opposed to Christ” (Pentecost).

These beasts make war with the saints and overcome them (v. 7). All who are not of the elect will worship the first beast (v. 8). By economic warfare they can starve out those who will not worship the first beast (vv. 16-17).

Point by point, the beast is a poor imitation of Christ. As we examine him in his falseness, gaze at Christ’s beauty and see Him more clearly for who He is today! Here are some interesting insights on the beast.

The Peacemaker–Revelation 6:1-2: Certainly, this man will be on the scene before the Rapture occurs. He will be a peaceful political leader who unites ten nations of Europe into a strong power bloc (see Revelation 17:12-13). The rider on the white horse will imitate Christ (Revelation 19:11ff). He will go forth to conquer peacefully, and will have a bow, but no arrows. He will bring a brief time of peace to the world (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) before the storm of the day of the Lord breaks loose.

The Persecutor–Revelation 13:15-17: Most prophetic students agree that the abomination of desolation will occur three and one-half years after the Antichrist makes his covenant with the Jews (Daniel 9:27-“in the midst of the week,” or three and one-half years). This will usher in a period of intense persecution and tribulation. Jesus said, “For then there will be great tribulation” (Matthew 24:21a). Satan will vent his wrath against Israel. He will so control the world’s economic system that citizens must bear “the mark of the beast” to be able to buy and sell (Revelation 13:16-17).

What insights can we glean from these interesting statements about the beast? We are reminded of these truths: only Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6); only Jesus is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; only Jesus keeps all His promises; only those who come to Him have peace–the rest are like the restless sea; only Jesus gives true rest for the souls of those who come to Him (Matthew 11:28-30); and only Jesus can set you free (John 8:32-34)! A God like this deserves our all!


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