Topic: The Priority of Prayer [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 16 March 2021] -

Topic: The Priority of Prayer [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 16 March 2021]

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The Priority of Prayer

Luke 11:1-4

Prayer is not optional for a Christian. In fact, Jesus considered it essential, even for Himself. Though He was God’s Son, He still took time to be alone with His Father in prayer. His disciples saw this and asked Him to teach them how to pray. The prayer Jesus taught them is a model for every believer. It shows us how to:

•  Come with a focus on the heavenly Father. When you praise the Lord, your mind lets go of earthly concerns and centers on His desires and glory.

•  Surrender to Him as Lord and King. The goal of prayer is not to get God to do what you want but to align your desires and requests with His will. Such prayers are the ones He promises to answer.

•  Approach the Lord with a humble, dependent spirit. Recognize that He is the one who provides for your needs and sustains your life.

•  Seek His forgiveness and protection from temptation. Ask God to uncover anything unholy in your life and replace it with righteousness.

Developing a consistent prayer life takes commitment. Daily activities will crowd out time with the Lord unless you reserve a segment of each day to pray.

Bible in One Year: Judges 10-12

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