Topic: The Problem of Unmet Needs [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 13 November 2021] -

Topic: The Problem of Unmet Needs [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 13 November 2021]

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The Problem of Unmet Needs

If we find that God is withholding something we need, it’s wise to ask ourselves if we’ve gotten in the way by sinning or failing to act.

November 13, 2021

Psalm 84

The Lord has promised to provide, so why doesn’t He always meet our needs when we ask? In today’s passage, His promise of provision has a condition—it’s given to “those who walk with integrity” (Psalm 84:11). So if God isn’t fulfilling our needs as we think He should, it’s possible He has a different plan for us than we expect. But we should also examine ourselves to see if there might be some hindrance. 

Sin. When we allow sin in our life, salvation remains intact, but fellowship with God is interrupted and we’re less in tune with His will. Then our expectations often differ from His. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 13 November 2021 –Topic: HELP FROM ABOVE 

Participation. Another possible explanation for unmet needs is that we haven’t done our part. Although God is the ultimate source of all we have, He gives us the opportunity to work for some necessities (2 Thess. 3:10-11). 

Desires. As we saw yesterday, perhaps God hasn’t provided as you expected because your “needs” are really desires. If He knows that what you want won’t fulfill His plans for your life, He will withhold it in order to provide something better. 

Remember that God’s actions and character always align. And His answers to prayer will fit with His goal of conforming us to Christ’s image. If it seems He’s withholding something you deem essential, trust that what He’s working on will be even better. 

Bible in One Year: Acts 10-11

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