Topic: The Real Deal Day: Authentic Spiritual Growth [David Jeremiah Ministry 5 June 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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The Real Deal Day: Authentic Spiritual Growth

JUNE 5, 2021

This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

 Recommended Reading: Psalm 70:4

Think about what the average adult would like to accomplish in the morning: showering/grooming, exercising, tending to pets, checking online traffic/weather reports, checking the morning news, dressing for work, eating breakfast. And if there are children involved, well…!

So, if that’s a typical morning, how does the average Christian squeeze in rejoicing and being glad in the day the Lord has made? There’s only one, long-term way—by prioritizing the item missing from the list above: a daily quiet time. Christians who grow to maturity, who reflect authentic discipleship, are Christians who prioritize spending time with God in prayer, worship, and Bible study. Yes, it’s a challenge. Who can find the time? Somehow, we find the time for all the other items on our morning to-do list, so it really comes down to choices and priorities.

It’s not that God is keeping a checklist in heaven to see if we have our quiet time. It’s more that, over time, the best things in life require good choices and good work. And being an authentic follower of Jesus is surely one of life’s best things.

Ten minutes spent in the presence of Christ every day, aye, two minutes, will make the whole day different.

Henry Drummond


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Job 39 – Psalms 8

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