Topic: The Reason for Our Boldness [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 9 December 2021] -

Topic: The Reason for Our Boldness [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 9 December 2021]

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The Reason for Our Boldness

We need to always be willing and searching for opportunities to share the gospel boldly and confidently with the lost.

December 9, 2021

Romans 1:8-17

Even though Christians are familiar with the gospel, many are reluctant to share their faith. One reason is because they don’t feel capable of explaining it well and are afraid of negative reactions or questions they’ll be unable to answer. But we must remember that God has given us the most important message in the world. 

The apostle Paul welcomed every opportunity to tell people about Christ. That’s because he personally experienced the gospel’s life-changing power and made that his focus rather than the negative reactions he might encounter. Oftentimes the reason we’re ashamed to talk about our faith is that we’re concerned about ourselves. But if we begin to look at people who are lost and ask God to open a door for us to share our faith, He will answer that prayer. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 9 December 2021 –Topic: MAINTAIN YOUR IDENTITY IN GOD 

We tend to be distracted by temporal activities that eventually fade away. But souls are forever, and people need to know the Savior. That’s why it’s important for us to understand the gospel well enough to present it with confidence and boldness. We can’t let fear or ignorance keep us from giving a lost world the only message that can change a person’s eternal destiny. 

Bible in One Year: Philippians 1-4BIBLEREADING
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