Topic: The Riches of Grace [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 25 January 2020]

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The Riches of Grace

Ephesians 1:3-8

Scripture says that Jesus chose to become poor—leaving heaven and everything that belonged to Him as God’s Son—so we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). But what does this mean for believers? Ephesians 1:3-8 describes those riches by saying we are …

• Chosen by God. Since we belong to the Lord, life has purpose, and we are eternally secure.

• Liberated. We were slaves to sin and unable to free ourselves, but Jesus broke the power of the flesh so that we might be able to obey God.

• Redeemed. Jesus’ death satisfied divine justice because His perfect life met every requirement (Deut. 17:1; Rom. 6:23). When we decide to trust Him, God considers our sin debt paid in full.

• United With Him. At salvation, we become God’s adopted children.

• Citizens of Heaven. We receive citizenship in God’s kingdom and an inheritance that will never perish (1 Peter 1:4).

Many of us don’t realize we’re rich, because we think in terms of bank accounts and material possessions. But these things have no eternal value. Our real wealth is found in the spiritual blessings we’ve been given through Christ.

Bible in One Year: Exodus 28-30

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