Topic: The Seeds of the Kingdom of God  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 9 September 2021

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Above Only Daily Devotional

By: Archbishop M E Benson Idahosa


The Seeds of the Kingdom of God

Matthew 13:31-32 (LB), Matthew 13:24 & 38 (NLT), Luke 8:11(NIV)

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a tiny mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds but becomes the largest of plants , and grows into a tree where birds can come and find shelter.” “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field.*The field is the world, and the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom. The weeds are the people who belong to the evil one. “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God.”

The concept of seed and harvest is central to how the kingdom of God operates and is advanced – especially what happens to a mustard seed. A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds but when it is planted , it grows into one of the largest trees. In the same way , the seeds of God’s kingdom may appear small and insignificant at the moment and may be despised by many. But as they grow and manifest, they take over.

The word of God is a seed of God’s Kingdom, the life of God is a seed of God’s kingdom and you are a seed of God’s kingdom. You must never despise any of these there things. Every time the word of God is entering you, you are being empowered to experience the will of God in your life. By the word of God, we are referring to the gospel or revelation of Christ. Acts 19:20 says, “so mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.” The word of God will grow and prevail in and through your life. Make use of God’s word, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

The life and nature of God in you is also in seed form. It may appear small right now, but as you remain conscious that you have God’s life and nature and you yield to the leading of the Spirit, that seed will continue to grow and you will manifest the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Wherever you are, God has planted you there as a seed of His kingdom. You may look small and insignificant now, but you will grow and maintain great influence in that place (Job 8:7). Joseph entered Egypt as a slave from a strange land but after a while , he became the Prime Minister and saved many lives. You are naturally endowed with the kingdom’s ability to grow and take over.

Dear Father, I thank You that as a seed of Your Kingdom, I grow and Your Kingdom takes over through me. Let Your word and life keep growing in me.

Bible In One Year Reading Plan
Isaiah 3:1-5:30, 2 Corinthians 11:1-15, Psalm 53:1-6 & Proverbs 22:28-29

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