Topic: The Source of True Joy [Joyce Meyer Devotional 15 OCTOBER 2020]

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You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.— Psalm 30:11 (AMP)

It brings incredible joy when you embrace the truth that you are a forgiven and adored child of God. So why are so many Christians sad, frustrated, and miserable?

I believe it is because they do not understand the reality of being a child of God and the inheritance that is ours in Him. An obstacle or difficulty distracts them, and they simply forget the promises of God for their lives. This is the quickest way to live a sad life instead of a glad life.

Jesus did not die to give you a discouraged, defeated, “down” life—He is your glory and lifter of your head (see Psalm 3:3). God has given you everything you need to enjoy Him, to enjoy yourself and the life He has given you. So, look up today. Celebrate His goodness and His blessings in your life. You are a child of the King . . . let that fill your heart with joy!

Today’s Thought:

Joy is independent of your circumstances. True joy is found in knowing Christ and the hope that He offers us. Take hold of His promises and walk in gladness, regardless of the circumstances around you.

To read: 1 Thessalonians 2:20; Isaiah 29:19

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for paying such a high price for me to be able to embrace and enjoy my life. Please help me remember and walk in the peace and strength You’ve given me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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