Topic: The upside down Kingdom – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 29 December 2019]
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December 29, 2019
“Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.” – JAMES 4:10
From the world’s perspective, Christ brings the “upside down” Kingdom. His realm is one in which the meek conquer, the child gets what the scholar misses, the foolish confound the wise, and the humble are lifted up. The crippled man at Pool Bethesda has waited 38 years for a lift into the water. Jesus tells him to forget the water, do what He asks, and the man will rise up. The world’s way is to find the crutches that will hold us up until we get to the waters of success. In the upside down Kingdom, we humble ourselves before the Master and find ourselves exalted.
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