Topic: The Value of Godly Friends – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 25 June 2021] -

Topic: The Value of Godly Friends – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 25 June 2021]

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The Value of Godly Friends


“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Proverbs 17:17)


Some of the greatest joys and disappointments of life are related to friendships. Our deepest longing, whether we’re young or old, is for enduring friendships. We all want to commune with someone who truly understands our deepest needs, our highest aspirations, and our worst fears.

We have friendships with many different types of people, but we should make sure to surround ourselves with people who will point us to the Lord.

This is especially true for our children. The wrong kind of friend is a great danger to a child because we ultimately become like our friends. We all start out lacking spiritual wisdom and understanding. Children are easily led into error, ready to believe anything. All of us, especially teenagers, need friends that will point us toward the Lord and the things that glorify Him.


  • How do you evaluate the value of your friendships?
  • How can you balance seeking to be friends with all kinds of people but also seeking to surround yourself with close friends who love the Lord?


Take time to encourage one of your friends in the Lord today.

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