Topic:  THE WAITING ROOM – By Dr. Jeff Schreve  – From His Heart 3 January 2022

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…that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Hebrews 6:12

When I was a sophomore in high school, I broke my leg in a basketball game against our big rival, the Cy-Fair Bobcats. Drag! That injury meant I had to go to the orthopedic surgeon for X-rays, a diagnosis, and a cast.

My doctor was Husam Bahrani. He was from Baghdad, Iraq. Dr. Bahrani was a very skilled surgeon. He was not, however, very punctual. I spent countless hours in his waiting room … waiting … waiting … and waiting to see him for my needed medical care.


It is never fun to wait, is it? Most people simply detest it. That is why so many of the products we buy are instant: instant coffee, instant pudding, instant potatoes, instant oatmeal, instant whatever! We simply do not have more than an instant to wait! Many people I know tap their foot in impatience when their leftovers are being reheated in the microwave oven, wondering when on earth their food will finally be warmed and ready!

Also Read: Open Heaven 3 January 2022 – How To Deal With Mountains I

Now, when it comes to the things of God, you and I can throw out the microwave idea. God does not have a microwave; He has a Crockpot. God tells us that it is through faith and patience that we inherit His promises. If you and I are going to see God do great and mighty things in and through our lives, we must be patient and wait on Him and His timing.

Make no mistake about it: waiting on God is one of the hardest things to do. Often, we believe God and trust God for a miracle … but we want that miracle NOW! In our waiting, we can easily get stressed out, frustrated, and disillusioned, thinking God does not care about us. If He did care, surely He would act, and He would act now! But the truth of the matter is this: God is never late and never in a hurry. He is always right on time. He has grace to help in time of need. He says to us, “Wait on Me, and I will answer in mighty power at the proper time and the perfect moment.” The one who believes God—and waits on God—is the one who receives from God.


Abraham and Sarah were promised a son. They were old and childless when that wonderful promise from God came to them. Obviously, they were excited and ready for God’s promise to come to fruition. The promise did not come quickly, however. They had to wait about thirty years before God gave them Isaac. Thirty years!

The Bible says, “Yet, with respect to the promise of God, he [Abraham] did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what He had promised, He was also able to perform” (Romans 4:20-21). God taught Abraham so much as he waited on God to perform the miracle of the birth Isaac. (It was a miracle because Sarah was ninety years old when Isaac was born. Take about a late-life baby!) God strengthened Abe’s faith in the waiting room … and then blessed his socks off with a special son of promise. Did it take some time? Yes! Was it worth it? Certainly!


Have you gotten tired of waiting for your miracle? Have you gotten tired of waiting for Mr. or Ms. Right? Have you gotten tired of waiting for your healing, your deliverance, your promotion, or your dream? Have you given up on your promise from God? Pick up the towel you have thrown in, and get back in the waiting room! Add patience to your faith. God’s promise to you will come to pass in His timing… and you will be so blessed.

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