Topic: THE WRONG FOUNDATION – – 20 May 2021

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Dearly beloved, since money was made to control or govern the Churches from the 3rd century till now, it has become the tool through which the Church now do God’s work, pray, worship, praise God, love and fear Him. But all these things we are seeing today were not so in the Apostolic days, but after their days were over by tribulations, money become a god in the Church. Jesus Christ spoke of the tares sowers in Matthew 13:24-25, who sow tares among the wheat and went his way. Two things happened before the tares’ sower could sow tares among the wheat. One, the man who sowed good seed has left, two, while men slept. From what Jesus Christ made me to know and understand about money in the Church, though not God’s design but still God can still use it for His glory through His true children. The person who created money tithes and offerings into Church was a tare sower (Emperor Constantine), he could do this because Jesus Christ and His disciples have left this world. Tithe and offering of money was never a tradition of the Church even in the Apostolic days, neither did they make it a doctrine to preach or teach nor made it a means by which our fear and love of God is expressed nor a means to do God’s work.

This was totally the precept of men according to the word of prophet Isaiah (See Isaiah 29:13). After the tribulations or persecutions that saw all the disciples of Jesus Christ killed saved only Apostle John who escaped by miracle from a cauldron and banished into the island of Patmos where Christ revealed to him the Revelation book he wrote. After the Romans who were politically world power have persecuted the Christ disciples and His Church who know the truth about the Church and how things are to be done. They appear to be building the Church which they have destroyed, they build their own church (Roman Catholics) fill with paganism, because they were not ready to put away their paganism for Christianity, so they merge both of them in their church which was not the will of God, but man-made because they never know the truth about the true God and His Son Jesus Christ. But after they have killed those who know the truth, then they were able to sow tares among the wheat by their political power, and that is how religion dogmas were sowed into the Church of Christ. And at such time, the Church was sleeping because the fear of persecution of Christians has permeated the whole world.

The Church they built was a mixture of paganism and Christianity (darkness and light), assumptions, presumptions and suppositions, is the foundation of their church (The Roman Catholics) and the Bible is never the only book for their direction but with other unscriptural and ungodly things and books. For them, it can’t be only Jesus Christ but with other powers of darkness and if you don’t agree with them they will kill you, and many agreed with them because of the fear of persecution, but when men started know the truth or Christ opened their eyes, proliferations of Churches began in the 15th century being authored by Martin Luther 95 theses of the doctrines of the Roman Catholics contrary to the Holy Bible, but in-spite of all these, the Churches that broke away from the Roman Churches are still practicing the man-made things they invented in the Church of Christ. First turning the Sabbath day scripturally approved by God into man-made Sabbath day in honour of the Roman sun-god; Secondly, the invented man-made money offerings and tithes by Emperor Constantine which 98% of churches are paying worldwide till now. And thirdly, the paying of Pastors’ monthly salaries created by Emperor Constantine after making Pastoring a professional work. Many Churches may not be worshipping or believing in the Roman Catholic doctrines, but they will never put away the man-made tithes and offerings because of their personal interests and love for money to achieve their earthly lusts, and the man-made Sabbath of Sunday because they are conformed to the system created by Emperor Constantine. The only Christians or churches that can point their fingers at the beam in the eyes of the Roman Catholics are those who do none of the man-made three things created by Emperor Constantine in the church of Christ, but if there is any church of such, I tell you they will be of 2% or 1% worldwide.

These are brought to your knowledge, to let you know that money is a tare sowed inside the Church by the enemy of God, and it has led to the destruction, damnation, and fall of many Pastors’ and will still lead others into sin against God because of their love for money. Except Christ or His Holy Spirit tell us the truth not one Pastor or two can teach us or tell us the truth about the Church and her life. Money taking the rostrum in the Church is a result of man-made doctrines, self-invented doctrines and other religion dogmas from the Romans Emperors and their church called Catholics. Many Pastors’ hates those who speak the truth concerning man-made money tithes and offerings which is their means of making money using God’s flock as their money generating machines. It is clearly seen that money inside Church is the work or wisdom of men. God never permitted money to take the rostrum in the Levitical Priesthood days when the works of the laws was in full operation. God knew the influential power of money, the diffusing and distracting power of money, and He never allowed it to dominate the affairs of the Temple.

God who did not allowed it to be used in paying tithes and offerings which were and are the works of laws in the days they would have perfectly being used to do His services will not allowed it now in these days. He doesn’t want any of His children to put their trust in the works of the laws which He has abolished (See Hebrews 8:7, 13; 10:1-12), for their sanctification, redemption, deliverance, forgiveness of sins, and their justification to have its place. God is not and will never be the author of confusion, but man’s lusts and ignorance are always reasons for confusions. The man who invented the man-made money tithes and offerings certainly is no longer alive to see the harm he has done to works of grace, but God is alive and seeing it all. Emperor Constantine was never a servant of God neither was he a genuinely repented Christian, but one thing is certain he has enthrone money inside the Church, he has hindered the works of grace, so that it doesn’t fully have it stand in the church and many Christians lives, he has created a precept for the Church of Christ.

But God saw it all and nothing is done behind His eyes, yet He is not the author of confusion found inside the Church which is caused by money. It is a battle between light and darkness when it comes to the laws of the Levitical Priesthood and the Grace and Truth of Christ, but the church was and is never doing the work of the law but man-made precept. God made it clear that He has abolished the former to establish the latter, which has better promises (See Hebrews 8:6-7). Men because of the lusts of their hearts brought the works of the precept of men into the Church of Christ because they never know what the transition from one covenant to another was neither do they have any idea of what the Church ought to be. For out of the six hundred and thirteen laws of Moses, they picked out only tithes and offering (Not even Gods’ appointed one but man-made), and dumped the rest. The Church is not and was never to be like the Temple in the Levitical Priesthood days neither were any of the rituals and ordinances where to be found in the Church. Because ordinances and rituals in those days were great stumbling blocks preventing people from knowing God in truth and spirit, and that is why Christ took it out of the way nailing it to His cross (See Colossians 2:14-15). Among the rituals and ordinances of the abolished Levitical works of laws is the tithe and offerings, their purpose of existence is because of the Levitical priesthood and that has been terminated by Christ death, tell me, how can it be functioning seeing the purpose it was created is no longer existing? These are gateways through which men brought money into Church and exalted it.

The lust of men for the physical benefits of money tithes and offerings brought these precepts of men into the Church of Christ and they brought stumbling blocks along with them into the Church and at same time shutting up many in darkness so that they can’t trust the works of grace for their justification before God and their acceptance to Him but the works of the precept of men. This is a great confusion. I wept for people’s ignorance especially the uncrucified ministers of the Churches who spread their darkness or ignorance to their listeners or their followers. The condition under which tithes and offerings were to be paid is highly different from what the Churches are doing today. Introducing these works of the precept of men into the Church was grievous, but more grievous was doing these things with money. In paying it with money Pastors’ personal interest is all at stake, it is not about God neither a sign of allegiance to God, obedience to Him, His love, and fear. It benefits Pastors’ only and nobody else and that is the reason for their much emphasis on it, and their claim that it is of God and falsely justifying it with Malachi 3:8-10.

The Levites have no land inheritance was the purpose why God commanded their brethren (the remaining eleven tribe of Israel) to pay them tithes and offerings as a means of livelihood, as a compensation for their devotion to the energy demanding task of burnt offerings and others God gave to them to do for His children Israel. But they (remaining eleven tribes) were bound by oath to pay their brethren (the Levites) tithes (See Exodus 19:8; 24:3, 7, 8; Numbers 18:20-24; Deuteronomy 14:22-29). This oath brought about Malachi 3:8-10 which many Pastors’ use to extort and torment their congregations because of money. But under the New Covenant no oath knotted anybody to anybody to collect tithes and offerings from anyone, for us that are in Christ, we are all priests and kings. No oath makes anybody a minister of God (See Revelation 1:6) and since the old covenant has been abolished, none of its works brought into the Church can justify anybody before God (See Galatians 2:16; 3:10-13). Religion of Christianity have made tithes and offerings of money invented by men as precept, and many Christians have taken it to be the love and fear of God, even believing it for their acceptance to God and justification before God. The scripture said in Isaiah 29:13, “…and their fear toward me is taught be the precept of men.” This is what God is saying by the statement, men invented the laws or rule of money offerings and tithes not God, and people striving hard to do these things have seen it as the fear of God just because of the emphasis of Malachi 3:8-10.

Tithes and offerings are the tools Churches are using to make money not for the people but for Pastors’ and their families. Because of their love for money, many types of offerings are paid in Church with money. Gathering all the types of money from different types of offerings the Church give Pastors’ their lusts to be fulfilled, and I have heard many Pastors’ complaining that they deserve more money even more. Offerings are paid to open service, paid in Sunday school class and in other ways. They called some offerings general offerings, seed and faith offerings, building offerings, Sunday school offerings, charity or benevolence offerings, closing and starting offerings. With all these offerings paid in many Churches, I tell you, people goes to Church with full purses of money and come back empty-handed believing they have help God, done His will or services, show His fear and love by paying money in all ways. And they will expect God to justify them and multiply them, Pastors’ are smiling, God’s flocks are whining and murmuring tired of the invented offerings they have to pay every Sunday or Saturday. The Church make money through all their man-made invented offerings which they spent on Pastors’ and their families and other irrelevant things that have no spiritual benefits but carnal and worldly things, and not on Church members lives. For all money the Churches are making, God’s or Christ flocks are the money generating machines. What an entanglement, ignorance can put people in the name of God’s work. Pastors’ decorates themselves and their families with the generated money, and others go to materials not people’s lives.

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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