Topic: Then He Arose [David Jeremiah Ministry 10 March 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Then He Arose [David Jeremiah Ministry 10 March 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Then He Arose

MARCH 10, 2021

And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves…. Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.
Matthew 8:24, 26

 Recommended Reading: Matthew 8:23-27

Missionary Amy Carmichael often sent insights to her workers from her own daily devotions. One day she told them how she had been helped by two phrases in Matthew 8: And suddenly a great tempest arose…. Then He arose. She pointed out that when the storms arise, that’s when Jesus arises to deal with them.

“There are almost always waves,” Amy wrote. “Now and then we have times of quietness—little lulls, I used to call them—but far more often the wind is blowing from one quarter or another, and so there are waves…. But that is not the whole story.”

No, that’s not the whole story! The storms and the waves are a part of life; they arise. But our Lord also arises to deal with them, to help us, to protect and navigate us, to accompany us, to work on our behalf, and to turn the storms into streams of mercy.

When I am toiling in rowing, almost engulfed in the sea, make of the billows a pathway, come thro’ the darkness to me.

Manie P. Ferguson, “Christ in the Storm”


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Joshua 18 – 20

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