Topic: There Is a Purpose [Joel Osteen Ministries - Today's Word 14 July 2021] -

Topic: There Is a Purpose [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 14 July 2021]

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There Is a Purpose

Jul 14, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Proverbs 16:4, NLTThe LORD has made everything for his own purposes…

Today’s Word

When someone walks out of your life and you don’t understand, it’s easy to get discouraged. But when you meet the divine connection He has for you, somebody better than you ever dreamed, you’ll look back and say it was part of His purpose. Or, what about the supervisor who tried to keep you down all those years? You didn’t realize it at the time, but staying in that workplace with a good attitude, giving your best, and doing the right thing when the wrong thing was happening was developing your character, strengthening your spiritual muscles, and getting you prepared for the next level. You wouldn’t be who you are without that difficulty. You didn’t like it at the time, but you look back now and say that was good.

God’s ways are better than our ways. He sees things we can’t see. He always has a purpose in what He’s doing. Trust Him. If you keep honoring Him, it’s just a matter of time before God brings it all together.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You see the big picture for my life, and You use difficulties for my good. Help me to be patient and trusting when things happen that I don’t understand. I believe that You will bring it all together for my good. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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