Topic: These Three Gifts Were Not Random – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 21 December 2020]

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These Three Gifts Were Not Random


“And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh…” (Matthew 2:11b)


Many people think these three gifts were just random. No, and they weren’t random trinkets; these were treasures that didn’t occur by happenstance. They carry deep significance. They were planned.

Why these specific gifts? They are highly symbolic.

  • Gold speaks of His sovereign dominion—He was born a King.
  • Frankincense symbolizes His sinless deity—He is God in human flesh.
  • Myrrh represents His sacrificial death—He was born to die that we might live.

He is a king; they brought gold. He is God; they brought frankincense. He is a Savior; they brought myrrh. They signify His sovereign dominion, sinless deity, and sacrificial death.


Now that we know this, how should it instruct us today? Because He is a King, He has my wealth. Because He is God, He has my worship. And because He died, He has my witness. All that I am, all that I have, and all that I do belong to this One. That is wisdom. That’s what a wise person will do. Do some soul-searching today. Are you really wise?

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