Topic:  Things the Lord Hates (5) – Daily Devotional [ Rhema for Living] By Apostle Johnson Suleman 24 October 2021  OMEGA FIRE MINISTRIES

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Things the Lord Hates (5)
by Dr. (Mrs) Lizzy Johnson-Suleman


TEXT: “These six things doth the LORD hates: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief.” Proverbs 6 :16 & 18.

Welcome to your Rhema for living this great day. We are yet continuing with the topic, “Things The Lord Hates” and we are focusing on this: FEET THAT IS SWIFT IN RUNNING TO MISCHIEF.

A feet that is swift to running into mischief is a feet that is fast or quick in doing evil, causing harm, trouble, carrying out a vexations or annoying action. But when it comes to things of joy, gladness or worthy activity, they are scarcely seen to partake except for evil.

God hates such feet. For instance, to plot against your leader, boss, or someone you dislike, to unseat him, your feet are readily available to carry out the plot. You are up and doing, carrying out the scheme to set a trap for him to frame him up. But when it comes to partaking in departmental or official meetings for deliberations for development and growth, you are never present. Also in prayer meetings for spiritual growth; you always have an excuse that you were sent for in your village. But the day to put your leader or a member in the bad light, you are the first to be present.

There are even persons who are connected to every mischief in their place of work, church and neighborhood. If there is an issue of gossip, somehow, they end up being mentioned. When something is missing even without mentioning names, all eyes are in their direction by reason of the so many acts of stealing in the past. There are even some who engage their money to cause evil such as Haman in the Bible who went all out wanting to see the end of Mordecai and the Jews. He was swift in plotting evil but God overturned it against him.

Child of God, God hates feet that is swift in running into mischief in any way you are engaged in such, repent today engaging your feet in what will bring joy and Gladness to your neighbor.

PRAYER: My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, I disconnect my feet from evil activities, in Jesus name..

Omega Fire Devotional 23 October 2021 Rhema for Living Daily Devotional from the Desk of Dr. (Mrs) Lizzy Johnson-Suleman, Omega Fire Ministries International, Auchi Edo State

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