Topic: Think Right and Enjoy Life [Joyce Meyer Devotional 14 August 2020] -

Topic: Think Right and Enjoy Life [Joyce Meyer Devotional 14 August 2020]

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A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.— Proverbs 17:22 (AMPC)

As I’m writing this, I just returned home from doing a conference in Virginia. I am fully unpacked from the trip, and it’s already time to pack for the next one! Right now, I’m facing the temptation to dread it, but I refuse to do so. Dread steals the life and enjoyment out of everything, and it’s foolish to dread doing something that we’ll inevitably have to do anyway.

I believe Jesus wants us to enjoy our lives to the fullest, and to me, that means every part of my life, especially the ordinary things. Enjoying life begins with right thinking, and the amazing thing is, we can choose to think right on purpose! Thoughts of dread only drain our energy and they never produce anything good. How much time do you waste dreading things that you need to do? Why not make a decision to stop dreading your life, and start enjoying your life?

Life is a gift from God, and He meant for it to be enjoyed and appreciated. I believe that one of the ways we can say “thank You” to Jesus for what He’s done for us is to enjoy every moment that He’s given us. So let’s do it!

Prayer Starter: Father, please give me the grace I need today to do everything I do with joy and gratitude. Help me to never dread the things I need to do, but to face each task boldly. In Jesus’ Name, amen

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