Topic: “THIS IS THAT!” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 29 April 2021 -

Topic: “THIS IS THAT!” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 29 April 2021

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READ : Acts 2:1-21

…I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh…” – Joel 2:28

When the Holy Spirit arrived on the day of Pentecost, there was a great uproar in the city. Some people thought that the people speaking in tongues were drunk. Others thought that the disciples were mad. Perhaps, many just didn’t know what was happening.

Apostle Peter, at the Lord’s prompting, rose up in the midst of the confusion and boldly declared, “This is that!” What did he mean by “this is that”? This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. One of the greatest keys to flowing in the supernatural is to believe that what you are seeing is what you have believed for. How did Peter know that this was that spoken of by the prophet Joel? He didn’t know! He just declared boldly that he was seeing the supernatural.

One time while I was ministering, a young lady began to scream, twist and squirm. She had to be held down by four strong men. As I ministered to her, she suddenly became still and collapsed to the ground. I wondered to myself, “What has happened now?” The Holy Spirit said to me, “This is that!” This is Acts 8:5-8 reenacted. This is what Jesus experienced when He cast out the epileptic spirit in Mark 10:9. God told me, “This is that which Jesus experienced.”

When you have “this is that” faith, you will be able to accept the supernatural happenings in your life. When you hear the voice of the Spirit speaking to your mind, you will no longer say that it is just a thought. You will say, “This is that”.

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