Topic: Those With Us [David Jeremiah Ministry 16 September 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Those With Us

SEPTEMBER 16, 2021

So [Elisha] answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
2 Kings 6:16

 Recommended Reading: 1 John 4:4

Only heaven will reveal the times in our life when God protected us without our even being aware that we were in danger. Like when Moses led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt and took them deep into the Sinai desert instead of directly to the Promised Land of Canaan. Exodus 13:17-18 says he led them that way so they wouldn’t encounter the ferocious Philistines, be defeated in battle, and return to Egypt. We wonder if they ever realized just how many times God protected them.

When the Syrian army was poised to attack Israel, Elisha’s servant was rightly concerned. When he asked the prophet what they should do, Elisha told him that there was an army larger than the Syrian army on their side. And God opened the servant’s eyes to see the hills filled with horses and fiery chariots. Indeed, God’s heavenly, angelic forces were adequate to keep Israel safe from harm. It’s easy to forget that God’s resources are greater than the world’s.

If you are facing a situation today in which you feel outnumbered or under-resourced, don’t despair. Heaven’s resources are yours, whether visible or not.

Did you never let go to God for safeguard, driven by outward Storms, and there find unexpected fruit?
John Owen

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