Topic: Three Ways God Tests You Through Your Finances [RICK WARREN Devotional 24 January 2020]

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“Trust in your money and down you go! Trust in God and flourish as a tree!” (Proverbs 11:28 TLB).God uses money to test you. He doesn’t just automatically give his blessings to anybody. He tests you first to see if you’re responsible. Before God gives you spiritual power, he gives you material possessions. If you’re not managing money well, then why in the world should he give you the stuff that really matters?

God’s favorite tool to test you is your finances, and he’s looking for three specific things.

Money shows what you love most. You’re going to give your most time and money to whatever you love most—and your calendar and bank statement will prove it. Jesus says, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth . . . Store your treasures in heaven . . . Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be” (Matthew 6:19-21 NLT). Wherever you want your heart to be, put your money there, and you’ll get interested in it.

Money shows what you trust most. It shows what you have faith in. Are you trusting in money or God for security? Are you trusting in money or God for your happiness? Proverbs 11:28 says, “Trust in your money and down you go! Trust in God and flourish as a tree!” (TLB).

Money shows if God can trust youUnmanaged finances are a symptom of an unmanaged life. God is looking to see how well you manage material things before he gives you spiritual blessing. The Bible says, “If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?” (Luke 16:11-12 NIV).

There is a direct connection between maturity and money. There’s a direct connection between spiritual power and how you handle possessions. There is a direct connection between God’s blessing in your life and what you do with your bucks.

Don’t miss the connection. How you handle money determines how much God can bless your life.

  • What does your bank statement reveal that you love most?
  • Have you been asking God for more blessing in your life? How might your finances be affecting how much God is willing to entrust to you?
  • What are the “true riches” mentioned in Luke 16 that God entrusts to responsible stewards of his gifts?

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