Topic:  To Help You Heal; A Journey Through Brokenness - Daily Treasure devotionals - 10 July    2022 -

Topic:  To Help You Heal; A Journey Through Brokenness – Daily Treasure devotionals – 10 July    2022

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To Help You Heal; A Journey Through Brokenness

Sharon W. Betters


Sing to God, sing in praise of His name, extol Him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before Him – His name is the Lord. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, He leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land (Psalm 68:4-6, NIV).

Dear Friends,

Hospitals typically offer different levels of trauma care, from Level 1 for the worst possible needs to Level 5. Level 5 is similar to an Emergency Room prepared to diagnose, provide initial care and when necessary, stop the hemorrhaging long enough to get the patient to the right treatment level.

A triage unit on a battlefield mixes the trauma care levels, from diagnosis to tourniquets which stop the bleeding, through pain management and then surgery in less than optimum conditions.  I imagine those first few minutes in a triage unit are frightening until someone comes alongside the patient and says, “I’m here with you and I will take care of you.” Though the words don’t stop the pain, the hemorrhaging, or repair the broken bones, the presence of one who promises help can calm a terrified soul. 

As a new mother in her early twenties, one of my sisters was flown from Delaware to Boston because of a life-threatening medical emergency. Frightened by the unknown, the few words of an ambulance driver allayed some of her fear, “Welcome to Boston, we’re going to take great care of you.” 

After surgery, she was in great pain and feeling completely alone in the ICU. My sister was unable to move and incapable of communicating the fierce pain ravaging her body. Longing for someone to help her, a doctor stood alongside her bed in the darkness and quietly said, “I’m going to help you.” Just his touch and a few words planted hope in her heart. Her healing journey would not be easy but she began to rest in the confidence that those caring for her saw her as unique and loved.

This week Marie Monville offers this kind of triage comfort. 

“When all other lights go out, He still shines!”  This became the anthem of Marie’s life when on October 2, 2006, her then-husband made a decision to hold an Amish schoolhouse hostage, forever changing life as she knew it. It is her testimony, forged while moving through unthinkable circumstances into the unfathomable love of the Father.  On her darkest day, Marie simply chose to believe that HE IS.  Her act of faith radically propelled her into a future she could not have hoped for or imagined.  Marie’s life and words proclaim God’s love: it is deep enough to heal any wound, strong enough to break all bondage, and brings light to those in darkness. In the years since God continues to unfold his beautiful plan of redemption over her family.

Marie shares her story in her book One Light Still Shines: My Life Beyond the Shadow of the Amish Schoolhouse Shooting. You can also listen to our conversation with Marie on our Help & Hope resource, The Amish Schoolhouse Shooting, A Light in the Darkness. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 10 July   2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye –WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE HONEST 

I follow Marie on Facebook where she sometimes shares heartfelt encouragement especially designed for those in deep brokenness. When I asked her to share some of those thoughts as a guest writer for Daily Treasure, she immediately agreed.

But Marie’s story is not just for those in dark places. Her words resonate with a hope rooted in the redemptive love of God and His Son, Jesus. Her devotions remind me of that doctor who came alongside my sister and gave her hope with a simple few words, “I’m going to help you.” Marie turns our hearts toward Jesus, especially in those first terrifying days of loss.

God’s grace covering Marie and enabling her to share her story in a way that shines the spotlight on our faithful God encourages me to remember the same grace covers me and will always cover me no matter what twists and turns my journey takes.

Do you know someone in deep, fresh grief? Encourage them to follow along this week for treasures of encouragement designed to turn their hearts toward Jesus, one inch at a time.


Listen to Marie’s story in our conversation, The Amish Schoolhouse Shooting – A Light in the Darkness to prepare you to hear her message of hope through the grid of God’s amazing grace demonstrated in her life.


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