Topic: To obtain the Power of God, give it your Trust [RICK WARREN Devotional 3 December 2020] -

Topic: To obtain the Power of God, give it your Trust [RICK WARREN Devotional 3 December 2020]

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To obtain the Power of God, give it your Trust

A good relationship with Jesus is essential for every area of ​​your life.

Through a secure relationship with Jesus, you can grow and change in ways that are impossible without it. In truth, we can achieve nothing without God: “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13 (NIV).

The challenge can seem impossible when we make a major change in our lives. Of course, it is impossible when we try to do it on our own! But God’s strength working through our faith will make the impossible possible.

That is why it takes faith in what God wants you to do. You can never do it on your own. It was never intended that you could! Anything you can do in your own strength does not require faith, and when faith is not required, we are living without faith.

When you come to Christ acknowledging your weaknesses, He often turns your greatest weakness into your greatest strength. But that only happens through the power of God. The Bible tells us that there is a direct connection between faith and power. The more faith you have in God, the more power and blessings you will have in your life.

Jesus illustrates this in Matthew 13, when he makes a visit to his hometown, Nazareth. The Bible says that Jesus did not perform many miracles of power in his town due to the lack of faith of the people.

God blesses people who are not afraid to fully trust Him. When you trust Him, God fills you with His power. In the Bible, Abraham is considered the father of faith. It says: “Before God’s promise he did not waver like an unbeliever, but reaffirmed himself in his faith and gave glory to God” Romans 4:20 (NIV).

Without the power of God in your life, you are running on your own energy. And that’s like having a laptop that’s unplugged; the battery will eventually drain and all the power will be gone. Why do you have to live like this?

Think of it this way: you have a little battery in you. You can run through life on your own power, which means you’ll be tired all the time, or you can have access to God’s power plant, as long as you go online and admit that you need His help.

God has unlimited power to sustain your life and your mission.

Reflect on this :

  • Have you tried something that could only be accomplished with the power of God? How did you see God work in that situation?
  • What are some warning signs in your life that indicate that you are trying to do something by your own power rather than the power of God?

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