Topic: Triumph [Joyce Meyer Devotional 6 March 2021]

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But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere.— 2 Corinthians 2:14 (AMPC)

Triumph = To obtain victory

We’re all fighting a battle for our thoughts on the battlefield of our minds, and it’s easy to get discouraged when we don’t reach victory all at once. But it’s important to understand that we can’t triumph over and destroy spiritual enemies like anger, selfishness, bitterness, jealousy (or whatever we might be dealing with) all at one time, or instantly.

God deals with things in our lives one at a time, and the changes we need require patience. If you push to get ahead of God, you won’t make the progress you want, but you will get very frustrated and confused. Without God’s grace, it’s impossible to triumph, even if we have the best of intentions.

Whatever spiritual enemies you’re facing today, ask God to for the grace and wisdom to do your part, and trust Him to do His part. Instead of trying to do it in your own strength or getting discouraged because you aren’t there yet, ask Him to go before you and give you the victory. As you pray, listen, and wait on Him, He’ll help you grow in freedom from any sin, bad habit, or addiction in your life.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me trust You to strengthen me to fight the battles I’m facing. Thank You for going before me to do what I can’t do, for always being there to help, and for giving me the victory I need at the right time. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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