Topic: “TRUE BEAUTY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 17 June 2021 -

Topic: “TRUE BEAUTY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 17 June 2021

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READ: 1 Peter 3:1-6

…beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” – Proverbs 31:30

The Bible compares beauty with someone who fears God. If you ever have to choose between beauty and spirituality, choose the latter.

If ever you are faced with such a decision do not hesitate to choose the godly woman, because it is the woman who fears the Lord who will be praised. She may not be so beautiful, but very spiritual.

When you enter into marriage, you will realise that beauty is always secondary to godliness. The spiritual person who knows and fears God will become more and more attractive to you as the years go by. Beauty has very little to offer, apart from what you see. But the spiritual person has her faithfulness, her character, and godliness to offer to you.

If your wife does not pray, you are in trouble. Find a woman who prays. Find a woman who is deep into the things of God. If you marry a greedy, selfish and lazy woman, you will find yourself living in hell. You will suffer, not because she is not outwardly beautiful, but because she is ugly inwardly. A person who is ugly inside but beautiful outside can be compared to a cemetery. A cemetery is well decorated with flowers, but as you go a little closer and go deeper, you will see dead men’s bones and teeth sticking out. This can be related to the woman without character; from the outside, she looks nice but go a little further and you will find an angry, lazy, and devilish person.

Be careful, my brother. Go for the spiritual person. Godliness is indeed to be preferred to beauty!

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