Topic: Trust and Obey [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 16 September 2020] -

Topic: Trust and Obey [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 16 September 2020]

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Trust and Obey

Joshua 6:1-5

Joshua needed God’s guidance as he faced one of the most crucial moments of his life. He already knew the outcome of the battle against Jericho since the Lord had promised him success. The specific strategy God gave him, however, was so atypical that it must have made his jaw drop. But despite any concern they may have felt, Joshua and the entire army believed the Lord and followed the unusual plan to the letter.

Although we won’t face that exact situation, there will be times when obedience to God’s Word will be a challenge because it goes against our natural reasoning. Therefore, we hesitate, rationalize, or make excuses why we can’t possibly do what He says. For example, consider these commands:

  • Don’t be anxious about anything, but pray about everything (Phil. 4:6).
  • Forgive one another just as God in Christ forgave you (Eph. 4:32).
  • Fix your hope, not on the uncertainty of riches but on God (1 Timothy 6:17).
  • Consider it joy when you encounter trials (James 1:2).

Just as Joshua’s instructions didn’t seem reasonable, these directives don’t always make sense to us either, but God insists they’re for our good. It’s our job to trust His wisdom and obey.

Bible in One Year: Daniel 10-12

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