Topic: Trust God [David Jeremiah Ministry 26 NOVEMBER 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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NOVEMBER 26, 2019

Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust.
Psalm 16:1

 Recommended Reading: Hebrews 1:14

Agoraphobia comes from agora, the Greek word for the “commercial or civic center of the city,” and phobia, the Greek/Latin word for “fear.” An agoraphobic is a person who fears venturing out into public spaces. They worry about what might happen—accidents, attacks, animals, adversaries, and more. Agoraphobia is a severely limiting affliction, confining the sufferer to a life of fear.

The affliction is not unfounded; life is filled with dangers and misadventures of all sorts. So, what should we do? We could do what David, the psalmist did: He asked God to keep him safe—“Preserve me, O God,” (Psalm 16:1). He was confident of the boundaries God had established for his life and that he had a “good inheritance” in store (Psalm 16:6). It was the same idea as the “hedge” God established around the life of Job, protecting him from ultimate harm (Job 1:10). And it makes us think of the angels (“ministering spirits”) sent forth by God to protect the inheritance of His people (Hebrews 1:14).

Are you in the practice of asking God daily to keep you safe? Make it a habit. Commit your ways to Him and He will establish your thoughts (Proverbs 16:3).

Let us learn to trust [God] for who He is.
Elisabeth Elliot


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Romans 8 – 10

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