Topic: Unashamed to Share the Gospel [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 10 December 2021]

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Unashamed to Share the Gospel

Like Paul, we as believers should have no shame or fears in sharing God’s merciful gift of salvation with others.

December 10, 2021

2 Timothy 1:6-12

Yesterday we saw how Paul understood the awesome responsibility of being entrusted with the gospel. Knowing he’d one day give an account to the Lord for how he carried out his calling, the apostle was willing to suffer for Christ’s sake to accomplish the task. As believers, we also have an obligation to share the gospel with whomever God places in our life. And we would be wise to consider what our level of commitment is. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 10 December 2021 –Topic: INVEST IN PRAISE AND WORSHIP 

Paul felt compelled to tell people about the Savior. In fact, he said, “Woe to me if I do not” (1 Cor. 9:16). No matter how anyone treated him, he wasn’t ashamed of the message of Christ. And he kept warning unbelievers about the eternal consequences of ignoring the Lord’s gracious offer of salvation.

We may not want to warn people about God’s judgment, for fear of driving them away from Him. But in reality, people living in spiritual darkness are already far from the Lord and need to hear about His offer of forgiveness. Paul was even willing to die to get the message out. If we let ourselves be inspired by his example, we may discover unexpected boldness to share our faith. 

Bible in One Year: Colossians 1-4

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