Topic: UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE IN 4 WORDS – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 5 July 2021

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July 05, 2021“The Scriptures are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ…”  2 Timothy 3:15

Picture your favorite scene from your favorite movie. 

Whether it’s action-packed, dramatic, or outright hilarious, the scene does not encapsulate the entire plot. It fits into a larger story. So, to truly appreciate the scene, you must have  a good idea of the movie’s overall storyline. 

Just as a movie scene is connected to the rest of the movie, every Bible passage is part of a grand, all-encompassing narrative that stretches from Genesis to Revelation.

Comprised of 66 books and written by 40 authors, the Bible tells one magnificent tory of God’s relentless love for rebellious humanity. A thread of this Story is woven throughout each of the Bible’s 31,102 verses, tying them together as a unified whole. Every unique, smaller story in Scripture is somehow related to this larger Story. 

Scholars convey the grand Story of the Bible in 4 concepts:

1. CREATION The Bible opens with 5 glorious words, “In the beginning, God created…” (Genesis 1:1). God is the main character of this Story, not us. He created the entire universe and made us in His image.

2. FALL – Humankind chose to rebel against God and fell into sin. This not only had devastating  consequences in the physical world, but it also separated us from a Holy God. 

3.REDEMPTION – God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the grave, conquering death forever. Jesus paid the price, or ‘redeemed’ us, so we can be set free from the power and penalty of sin. When we place our faith in Christ, we experience peace and fellowship with God.  

4. RESTORATION – Sometimes we forget that the Story is far from overOne day, Jesus will come again.  He will restore this fallen world and usher in a kingdom of righteousness. Those who have placed faith in Christ will dwell with Him forever (Revelation 21:3). 


It’s amazing, isn’t it, that the main concepts of something so complex and intricate as the Bible can be condensed into four words? Keeping these words in your heart and mind can help as you study more of the Bible and see the Story unfold!  


These 4 concepts are far more than a Bible study tool.  There are numerous practical implications.

Let me offer three: 

  • Our need for salvation – As Paul shares with Timothy, Scripture’s overall aim is to point to our need for salvation.  Simply knowing about these 4 concepts is not enough.  The grand Story of Scripture must become a living reality through personal faith in Jesus. 
    • Ask yourself- Have I truly placed my trust in Christ? 
  • Meaning and purpose – Life is not meaningless, nor is life ultimately about us.  Our Creator and Redeemer invites us to play our individual part within His Story.  This infuses everyday life with meaning and purpose, as we serve Him where we live, work, and play.
    • Are you following Him with purpose in your everyday life?
  • Sharing the Story – If we genuinely believe the Story is true (and it is), then we should seek to joyfully, boldly, and tactfully proclaim it to the world. 
    • Bottom line? Don’t miss any opportunity to share your own story!

Written by Jonathan Munson, Executive Director RFTH

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