Topic: Unexpected Blessings—Unexpected Joy [David Jeremiah Ministry 30 NOVEMBER 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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NOVEMBER 30, 2019

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.
James 1:2

 Recommended Reading: James 1:1-8

Football Hall of Famer Brian Dawkins has been open about his mental health struggles, including bouts with depression. He sought medical help, but he also turned to Christ. “That is my No. 1 pillar,” Dawkins said. “That’s just the pinnacle of me, my faith, my belief in the Lord…. Everything else may move. My emotions may go up and down. People around me disappoint me. But that’s something that will never disappoint me.” Among Dawkins’ favorite verses is James 1:2. “When I began to view things from that perspective, even when I fall, that’s an opportunity for me to get stronger,” he said.1

When trouble comes into our life, the most unexpected attitude that follows along is joy. The apostle Paul spoke of being sorrowful, but always rejoicing (2 Corinthians 6:10). Joy is the attitude we choose to maintain as we encounter the troubles of life. It’s knowing that Easter follows Good Friday. It’s grounded in the resurrection of the Crucified One.

Make the decision today to look for joy—it is found most often through counting your blessings for all God has done!

Faith is your jewel, your joy, your glory!/ And the thieves who haunt the pilgrim way are all in league to tear it from you. Hold fast, therefore, to this, your choice treasure!
Charles Spurgeon

  1. Rob Maaddi, “Hall of Famer Brian Dawkins tackling mental wellness head on,” The Morning Call, June 21, 2019.


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: 1 Corinthians 5 – 9

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