Topic: Union With Christ [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 20 September 2020] -

Topic: Union With Christ [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 20 September 2020]

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Union With Christ

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout.

Sharing in Christ’s life means that we experience not only the close relationship He had with His Father but also His suffering. As Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matt. 16:24-25 ESV).

We need to remember that as we seek to embody His righteousness, we may find our pursuit doesn’t make sense to the world. Writing to the Philippians, Paul explained how he had to lose everything in order to gain Christ (Phil. 3:8-11). The Greek word for “loss” in this letter is the same word used in Acts about the effects of the storm Paul encountered en route to Rome (Acts 27:10; Acts 27:21). This language helps us realize we will feel our commitment to Jesus—in both joyful and painful ways—as we pursue knowing Him more.

Think about it

  • What would it mean in your own life to “lose everything in order to gain Christ”?
  • Reread Philippians 3:8 (ESV). What would it look like to live for “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus”?

Bible in One Year: Joel 1-3

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