Topic:  Victory In Your Hands – Streams Of Joy International Daily Devotional By Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze 20 October 2021 

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Victory In Your Hands

20th October 2021

Scripture Reading: Joshua 5: 13-15, 6: 1-6


“And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.” (Joshua 6: 2)

In our Focal Scripture, God said to Joshua that He had given Jericho into his hands, as well as the king and mighty men of valour. Jericho was coming into the hands of Joshua. Recall that when Joshua saw the angel of the Lord, he had a drawn sword. The angel of the Lord had a sword in his hands, and the result was going to be that Jericho would end up in the hands of Joshua. The power in the hand of the angel was victory in the hand of Joshua.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: the power in the hands of God will bring forth fresh victories for you. The power of God is about to unleash a new wave of victory and back to back congratulations in your life. The sword of the Lord is about to win more and more victories for you than you have ever imagined. The hand of the Lord is about to open new chapters of increase and elevation that you cannot author by yourself.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: by the hand of the Lord, you are receiving new territories. By the hand of the Lord, you are possessing your ‘Jericho’. By the hand of the Lord, you are defeating everything and everyone that set out to defeat you. By the hand of the Lord, you are prevailing over every arrangement of the enemy that wants to pull you down. By the hand of the Lord, you are conquering every conspiracy against your rising.

The hand of the Lord and the sword of the Lord gave Joshua what he could not have given himself. Hear me as I hear the Lord: by the hand of the Lord, you are about to receive what you could not have given to yourself. By the hand of the Lord, you are about to receive portions that are bigger than your person. By the hand of the Lord, you are about to receive the favour of kings. By the hand of the Lord, step into your more.

Remember, the power in God’s hands translates to victory in your own hands. Ask God to grant you victory by His own hands. Ask God to grant you new territories you did not fight for.


The power in God’s hand brings victory to my own hands, in Jesus’ name!

Memory Verse

“Our forefathers didn’t win these battles by their own strength or their own skill or strategy. But it was through the shining forth of your radiant presence and the display of your mighty power. You loved to give them victory, for you took great delight in them.” (Psalms 44: 3 TPT)

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Further Reading

  • Psalm 44

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