Topic: WAIT PATIENTLY ON GOD – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 28 December 2019 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.” Psalm 17:7 KJV Many Christians are too much in a hurry. You must relax and be calm. This is very important because it determines whether you would get out of the situation or not. One of the strategies of the devil is to call you out of your standing so that you begin to fret, and be anxious!  ‘What am I going to eat? How will I pay my bills?’  Rest, God will come through for you. According to the book of 1 Samuel 13, Saul whom God raised as the King of Israel was being attacked by the enemy. They surrounded him just like they surrounded Jehoshaphat. But the promise had come from the mouth of the prophet of God that he was going to come to offer a sacrifice so that they would be victorious. Prophet Samuel took his time to come. And when Saul looked around him; his army were dispersing because of the enemy.  When Saul did not see Samuel after a while, he decided to take the position of the priest. He offered the sacrifice. Remember that he was told to wait.  As soon as he finished, Samuel arrived. Saul tried to explain to Samuel that he did it only because he was under pressure. That is what the devil does. He pressurizes you to do the wrong thing. The moment Samuel arrived, he said to Saul; ‘you have done foolishly.’  Your explanation sounds good, but it is foolish. Beloved, stop being in a hurry, wait patiently on the Lord and in due season, He will lift you up. The Bible says that Potiphar’s wife harassed Joseph day and night, asking him to sleep with her. She was virtually using force on him. The whole atmosphere seemed right, but Joseph said ‘I will stand still to see the salvation of the Lord.’ That there is pressure does not mean that you are abandoned. Jesus said: I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Further reading: 1 Samuel 13:1-23.Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Zechariah 5-8; Evening- Revelation 19

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