Topic: Walking Through the Dark Times [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 June 2021] -

Topic: Walking Through the Dark Times [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 June 2021]

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Walking Through the Dark Times

Psalm 105:16-24

Did you ever peek ahead to the end of a story because you just couldn’t wait for the conclusion? This is oftentimes what we long to do in our own life, especially in difficult seasons. We want to know when our affliction will end. But only God knows the future, so we must learn to trust Him in the meantime.

Joseph probably wished he could glance into the future to find out when his life would stop spiraling downward. Between the hatred of his brothers who sold him into slavery, the anger and lies of his master’s wife, and incarceration that left him languishing, it would have been easy for Joseph to lose hope. Those 13 years of his life must have seemed like an eternity.

Even though Joseph couldn’t see the future, God was with him every step of the way. And at the end of the dark years, he proclaimed he had learned that “God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20).

We can’t avoid trials. But knowing that God is with us and His purpose is good gives us the hope needed for enduring hardship with peace. 

Bible in One Year: Psalm 39-43

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