Topic: “WATERS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 16 May 2021

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READ : 2 Kings 2:19-22

Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise” – Jeremiah 17: 14

In the Old Testament, Elisha went to heal the waters of a town because there was something wrong with the water. Water defines your living conditions. When God heals your waters, He is meeting the basic needs of your life.

God is showing you that there are many needy people in this world. This is why we are anointed to preach the Gospel to the poor.

The poor of this world far outnumber the rich. God is extending our hearts to the poor. You cannot go to the poor of this world and talk to them unless you have some good news. They want to know how the Gospel will practically affect their lives. How can they understand the doctrines of the Gospel with all their problems, their sicknesses and their extreme poverty?

We need to pray for more miracles. Our hearts must desire more miracles; otherwise, we will continue to stay in our little corners having a good time while the masses go to Hell. We need the healing anointing because it is our only chance to be really healed.

The fact that God heals does not mean that He does not approve of medical science. God is not against medicine. In fact, He is the source of that gift. However, the healing methods of man are greatly deficient. God has more in store for us than medical science. He can do what medical science cannot do. We often don’t really know what God does. All we know is that He does good things

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