Topic: Ways to Overcome Fear [Archbishop Margaret E. Benson Idahosa] Above Only Daily Devotional 27 May 2020

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Ways to Overcome Fear

Joshua 1:9 (NLT) … be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. F0r the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

John 8:44 (GNB) … the Devil … From the very beginning … was a murderer and has never been on the side of truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies.

1 John 4:18 (GNB) There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out all fear. So then, love has not been made perfect in anyone who is afraid, because fear has to do with punishment.

Whenever you are tempted to be anxious, worried and afraid because of certain unexpected and uncomfortable situations that you may find yourself in, there are certain things that you can do to overcome that fear and get yourself back into the attitude and atmosphere of faith. Fear is not of God. The devil uses fear to intimidate us so He can limit us from experiencing God’s will and fullness for our lives. The devil’s major weapon are lies, Eph. 6:11. The major way that the devil tempts us to fear is by painting pictures of his lies to us. Every time there is fear and frustration in your heart, it is probably because you are believing the lies of the devil about that situation. What you need to know at that moment is that it is the exact opposite of that situation that is true. By the Spirit of God in you, flip that lie of the devil around and remind yourself of God’s truth concerning you. Faith comes by hearing the gospel or what God has done for you in Christ, Rom. 10:17. Open your mouth and use the word of God to pull down that thought that is trying to exalt itself above the knowledge of Christ, 2 Cor. 10:4-5.

Sometimes the devil will make you feel that God does not love you because of what you are facing. As you remind yourself of God’s great love for you in Christ (Rom. 8:37-39) faith will be stirred up in your heart. Remind yourself that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power of love and of a sound mind, 2 Tim. 1:7. Remind yourself of God’s presence and promises. Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of all these things, speak them out loud to yourself. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would remind you of the things that He has taught you, John 14:26. As the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things God has freely made available for you, speak them to yourself until faith is stirred up in your heart, 1 Cor. 2:9-12.

Prayer Focus:

Pray in the Spirit right now and declare God’s love, truth, presence and promises to yourself as the Spirit stirs them up in your heart.

Bible in one year reading plan:

  1. 2 Chronicles 4-6
  2. John 10:24-42

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