Topic: We need for godly friends – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 6 July 2020

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I stationed the people by their clans….
–Nehemiah 4:13
Regardless of the social distancing we are having to practice, isn’t it great to have family and close friends who encourage and uplift us, even if it’s only via text, phone call, or Zoom? We all need people in our lives who are encouragers, enablers, and energizers.
But it’s also very important for followers of Christ to have close friends who are also believers. We need fellowship with God’s people! I’m talking about people who pray for us, love us unconditionally, and urge us on in our walk with Christ. We need the Lord, but we also need others who stir us up to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24).
The Scripture says in Proverbs 17:17 that “a brother is born for adversity.” My favorite definition of a friend is someone who comes in when the entire world goes out.
Nehemiah understood the importance of this principle. He placed friends next to friends and families next to families as they worked on the walls of Jerusalem in order to get the most out of them. Everyone gets more done when they have the support of someone who loves and cares about them.
Are you walking in fellowship with other believers today? Are there people in your life right now who are aware of your spiritual victories and struggles?
If not, I want to encourage you to pray that the Lord would give you the determination and courage to invite people like this into your life. Because we all need the support of good, godly friends!

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