Topic: “WELCOME HIM” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 5 September 2021

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READ: Isaiah 61:1-3

…how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” – Luke 11:13

I want to show you why it is such a difficult thing for you to be anointed. One reason why God does not readily give His anointing to just anyone is because the anointing is the Holy Spirit (God Himself). The Holy Spirit is a precious gift from God to the Church. However, God does not haphazardly bestow that higher anointing needed for ministry on just anyone. If you don’t value the anointing, God will not give it to you!

God has a very precious commodity! He is looking for someone who really wants it and will appreciate it. Often, those who should be obvious recipients miss the blessing. The anointing then passes on to someone else, to the surprise of others. Have you ever asked yourself why God loved Jacob and hated Esau (Romans 9:13)? Jacob desired the anointing.

Was Jacob not a heel snatcher and a deceiver? He was, but Jacob strongly desired the birthright (anointing), for which Esau had little regard. Something that should worry us is the fact that God hated Esau. If God hated Esau, then it is possible that God can hate you! If God hated Esau because he didn’t care about the gift, then God can hate you because you don’t care about the gift of His anointing.

Often, earthly desires drown the desire for the anointing. You may be surprised that failure to meet this qualification (of desiring the anointing) eliminates many people from receiving God’s gift.

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