Topic: WE’RE NEVER TOO FAR GONE – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 10 January 2020

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“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”- 1 John 1:9

January 10, 2020

When it comes to trusting God, we all have a choice. God’s ultimate heart for each and every person is to embrace His love and forgiveness. That was the entire purpose behind Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection three days later. No matter what we have done or what regrets we carry, when we repent from our sins and cry out for God’s love and forgiveness – we receive it.

That’s what happened when the people of Nineveh turned from their sins and cried out for God’s mercy; the most wicked city at the time was radically redeemed. It’s a story of hope that reflects God’s heart for each and every person. No matter your past, no matter the regrets and shame you carry – God can forgive you. In fact, God is eager to overwhelm you with His grace and mercy if only you’ll acknowledge that you’ve messed up. 1st John chapter 1 says that if we confess our sins and recognize our need for Jesus, then we will experience God’s complete purifying forgiveness (My Paraphrase).

No-one is too far from God to be redeemed and forgiven.

Hey – if the Ninevites could be forgiven, so can that estranged family member, that ex-spouse, or even our nation. All it takes is coming to God with repentant faith and saying, “God, forgive me. I’ve tried doing life my own way, but now I want to walk with you.” If God can forgive Nineveh, He can forgive an ISIS terrorist, a hardened atheist, or simply the person who believes in God, but has been living life their own way. Most of all, God can even forgive YOU and me! It’s never too late; you’re never too far gone. Claim God’s love and forgiveness today!

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